Harm Reduction Series Part 1
By nearly every measure, the overdose crisis continues to worsen. In New York State, 16 people die every day of an overdose. That's one person every three hours.
For the first time ever, the Federal Government has begun to fund and promote HARM REDUCTION as part of the ongoing efforts to combat what is now a public health crisis.
For those who have dedicated themselves to pushing back against this epidemic, this change has released millions of dollars and opened an entirely new set of response tactics… from the widespread distribution overdose drug Naloxone, to the expansion of needle exchange programs.
Over the next year we will be bringing a series of stories on how New York is changing the way it does things here in and around the city to save lives. Christopher Booker reports
Title: Harm Reduction Series Part 1
Format: Video
Clean of Graphics: No
Type: Segment
Subject(s): Overdose Epidemic, Opioids Crisis
Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: WNET
Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 02/07/2023
Runtime: 00:05:45
Main Asset File Size: 2.38 GB
Rights Information:
Sensitive Material: N/A
Special Instructions: N/A
Language: English