A Path Forward: Technology & Sustainability
The second half of “A Path Forward” focuses on IT, manufacturing technology, and sustainability careers in demand now. You’ll meet a UConn graduate who participated in a Sustainable CT Fellowship program and then landed a position as a Regional Planner. We’ll also introduce you to several students who decided college was not the right path for them, and pursued alternative paths to careers they’re finding success in. One is now managing a farm after completing a high school agriculture program. Another found an Express IT internship that paved the way to a in graphic design and social media management. Meet the youngest “Certified Quality Representative” Lockheed Aircraft ever awarded, a graduate of Platt Technical High School who’s now head of Quality Control at Stevens Manufacturing at the age of just 20 years old.
Additional Assets
All assets here are for worldwide distribution in all manner and media in perpetuity.
Title: A Path Forward: Technology & Sustainability
Format: Video
Clean of Graphics: No
Type: Full Program
Subject(s): Open American Graduate
Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: Connecticut Public Television
Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 10/08/2020
Runtime: 00:26:57
Main Asset File Size: 10.3 GB
Rights Information:
Special Instructions: N/A