Meet Liz Kailey, Aviation Enthusiast and Mentor
A private pilot, flight instructor and trainer, Kailey also teaches an Aerospace Adventure class at a Denver area middle school where 80% of the students receive free- and reduced-lunch. In her STEM-based class, students build rubber-band-powered balsa-wood airplanes and Estes model rockets. Students learn skills like teamwork, communication and have the opportunity to expand their horizons.
Additional Assets
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Title: Meet Liz Kailey, Aviation Enthusiast and Mentor
Format: Video
Clean of Graphics: Yes
Type: Interstitial/Promo
Subject(s): Open American Graduate, Open Education
Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: Colorado Public Television
Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 09/18/2017
Runtime: 00:01:30
Main Asset File Size: 0.55 GB
Rights Information:
Special Instructions: N/A