Journey to Jobs (For Broadcast Without Embedded Captions, .SCC File Available)
JOURNEY TO JOBS is a one-hour special, presented as part of the American Graduate: Getting to Work initiative, public media’s commitment to help communities illuminate pathways to gainful employment in America.
Hosted by PBS NewsHour Weekend anchor Hari Sreenivasan from the Tisch WNET Studios at Lincoln Center in New York City, JOURNEY TO JOBS will take viewers across the country, highlighting individuals and organizations who are connecting job seekers to employment at each stop.
The broadcast will tell the story of how communities are providing support, advice, and intervention services to youth, veterans, and adults in career transition. In JOURNEY TO JOBS, viewers hear directly from job seekers and the newly employed, business and nonprofit leaders, as well as program staff, volunteers and mentors as they work to create pathways to high-demand skilled careers. Each segment is tied to one of the American Graduate content strands, including Barriers to Employment, Career Pathways, Connecting Job Seekers to Networks, Innovative Career Education Models, and Mentorship.
The broadcast features segments from fifteen public media stations from across the country:
Arizona Public Media; Colorado Public Television; Detroit Public Television; KCOS-TV (El Paso, TX); KBTC (Tacoma, WA); Louisiana Public Broadcasting; Nashville Public Television; Ozarks Public Television; Panhandle PBS (Amarillo, TX); PBS SoCalKCET; South Florida PBS; Rhode Island PBS; WCNY Connected (Syracuse, NY); WFYI (Indianapolis, IN); WQLN Public Media (Erie, PA).
This extensive collaboration between WNET, CPB and other public broadcasting stations will leverage the unique strength and structure of the public media system, thereby enabling a national mobilization around this critical issue.
Stations to create their own local NOLA code in ProTrack for these programs downloaded from Wavelength.
For JMC/Central Cast stations airing broadcast-ready version, ProTrack Media ID Number: JH-01563270
NOLA Code: JJBS 0000 H1
NETA feed: Friday 9/27/19 @1600-1700ET/HD04 *Feed for Record*
Available on Wavelength starting August 1, 2019
Broadcast window: October 6-November 17, 2019
Additional Assets
All assets here are for worldwide distribution in all manner and media in perpetuity.
Title: Journey to Jobs (For Broadcast Without Embedded Captions, .SCC File Available)
Format: Video
Clean of Graphics: No
Type: Full Program
Subject(s): Barriers to Employment, Career Pathways, Connecting Job Seekers, Innovative Career Education, Mentorship
Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: WLIW
Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 10/06/2019
Runtime: 00:56:46
Main Asset File Size: 24.83 GB
Rights Information:
- Media Rights: All manner and media: non-commercial only
- Territory (*Please note: all internet exploitation of this program must be geo-limited to the specified territory): United States (including territories and possessions)
- Term: In perpetuity
- Releases: Unlimited
- Editing Allowed?: No
- Digital Classroom Rights: Yes
- Promotional Use: Yes
Special Instructions: This is the broadcast-ready version without embedded captions with the SCC file available. To customize this program for your market, please see the Localizable version, also on Wavelength. Please note the program is in perpetuity following the initial release window of 10/6-11/17/19.