Career Forward Alabama | Misty Reeves
Misty Reeves attended a 4-year institution but wasn’t sure yet which career path she wanted to pursue. She volunteered in a radiology department and found her passion. She then attended a one-year program at the Florida Institute of Ultrasound to acquire her sonographer certificate, and she is now currently employed at the Washington County Hospital. Annual income for CNAs ranges from $17,837-$26,613, and for sonographers, or radiology technicians, ranges from $41,806-62,781. If you are interested or know someone who is interested in pursuing a career in health science, encourage them to reach out to their school counselor or career coach. Encourage interested adults to connect with their local career center for more information.
Additional Assets
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Title: Career Forward Alabama | Misty Reeves
Format: Video
Clean of Graphics: No
Type: Interstitial/Promo
Subject(s): Career Pathways, Innovative Career Education
Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: Alabama Public Television
Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 12/08/2018
Runtime: 00:01:00
Main Asset File Size: 0.37 GB
Rights Information:
Special Instructions: None