
Charlotte Japp, founder and VC leader, was looking to bridge the generational work and culture gap. She founded CIRKEL in 2018, connecting younger career with older experienced professionals for mentorship and support by creating intergenerational connections and conversations.



Format: Video

Clean of Graphics: Yes

Type: Segment

Subject(s): Aging Together

Public Broadcasting Station or Institution: WNET

Original Broadcast/Publish Date: 06/26/2024

Runtime: 00:07:36

Main Asset File Size: 2.79 GB

Rights Information:

  • Media Rights: All manner and media
  • Territory (*Please note: all internet exploitation of this program must be geo-limited to the specified territory): Worldwide
  • Term: In perpetuity
  • Releases: 1
  • Editing Allowed?: Yes
  • Digital Classroom Rights: Yes
  • Promotional Use: Yes

Sensitive Material: N/A

Special Instructions: N/A

Language: English


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