Feed Download Question

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    Katie Garrett


    When I click “Download All Feed Assets” the only thing that downloads is the feed’s Metadata pdf. To get the actual segments I had to click on each one separately and it downloaded all of the documents again as well. In the future, will there be a way to just download everything once like in Aspera?

    Fernando Lara – KUEN

    Tina Brunn

    I have found the same issue. I am using Chrome. Would like to know if there is a way to download all the feed assets like we do on Aspera. Thanks,

    Tiff Pua


    I found that at the end of each feed in the main carousel, there is now a “Documents for Feed #XXX” where you can download the individual documents that you’d like to use without having to go into each asset.

    Hope that helps!
    Tiff Pua
    Milwaukee PBS

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    Yeliz Alakas

    Hi all,

    We apologize for the issues you encountered when downloading an entire feed. We have since corrected the download issue and it should be working now. Please let us know if you are still experiencing any problems with “Download All Feed Assets.” Feel free to reach out to us directly at ShareContent@wnet.org should you have any other questions.

    Your feedback is much appreciated as it will help us finesse Arts on Wavelength for Season 8.

    Thank you!

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